Short CV:
- December 2020--Now, Assistant Professor in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- September 2020, visiting scholar in National University of Singapore, hosted by Min Dai
- October 2019--July 2020, Research Fellow in National University of Singapore, mentored by Chao Zhou
- October 2017--September 2019, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (April 2018--Now, postdoc level)
- November 2014--February 2018, Phd student in Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, supervisor: Ulrich Horst
- October 2014--Sep 2017, member of Berlin mathematical School
- September 2011--June 2014, graduate student in Nankai University
- September 2007--June 2011, undergraduate student in Dalian University of Technology
Major Research Interests:
- mathematical economics and finance
- mean field games
- non-standard BS(P)DE
- stochastic control theory
- Guanxing Fu, Ulrich Horst and Jinniao Qiu, Maximum Principle for Quasi-Linear Reflected BSPDE, JMAA, 456(1), 307-336, 2017
- Guanxing Fu and Ulrich Horst, Mean Field Games with Singular Controls, SICON, 55(6), 3833–3868, 2017
- Guanxing Fu, Paulwin Graewe, Ulrich Horst and Alexandre Popier, A Mean Field Game of Optimal Portfolio Liquidation, arXiv:1804.04911, 2018, to appear in MOR
- Guanxing Fu and Ulrich Horst, Mean Field Leader Follower Games with Terminal State Constraint, SICON, 58(4), 2078-2113, 2020
- Guanxing Fu, Extended Mean Field Games with Singular Controls, arXiv:1909.04154, 2019, to appear in SICON
- Guanxing Fu, Xizhi Su and Chao Zhou, Mean Field Exponential Utility Game: A Probabilistic Approach, arXiv:2006.07684, 2020
- Guanxing Fu, Ulrich Horst and Xiaonyu Xia, Portfolio Liquidation Games with Self-Exciting Order Flow, MF, 32(4), 1020-1065, 2022
- Guanxing Fu and Chao Zhou, Mean Field Portfolio Games, arXiv:2106.06185, 2021, to appear in FS
- Guanxing Fu, Ulrich Horst and Xiaonyu Xia, A Mean-Field Control Problem of Optimal Portfolio Liquidation with Semimartingale Strategies, arXiv:2207.00446, 2022
- Guanxing Fu, Mean Field Portfolio Games with Consumption, arXiv:2206.05425, 2022, to appear in MAFE
- Guanxing Fu, Paul Hager and Ulrich Horst, Mean-Field Liquidation Games with Market Drop-out, arXiv:2303.05783, 2023
- Dr. thesis: Maximum Principle for Reflected BSPDE and Mean Field Game Theory with Applications, 2018.
Selected Presentations:
- Berlin-Princeton-Singapore Workshop on Quantitative Finance, Princeton University, USA, July, 2016
- 7th European Congress of Mathematics (7ECM), TU Berlin, Germany, July, 2016
- 3rd Berlin-Princeton-Singapore Workshop on Quantitative Finance, Humboldt Graduate School, Germany, April, 2017
- Berlin Seminar on Stochastic Analysis and Financial Mathematics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, November 2017
- 4th Young Researchers Meeting on BSDEs, Nonlinear Expectations and Mathematical Finance, Shanghai, April 23–27, 2018
- Berlin-Paris Young Researchers Workshop on Stochastic Analysis with Applications in Biology and Finance, Paris, May 2-4, 2018
- 10th World Congress of the Bachelier Finance Society, Dublin, July 16-20, 2018
- 4th Berlin-Princeton-Singapore Workshop on Quantitative Finance, National University of Singapore, March 18-20, 2019
- International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Valencia, Spain, July 15-19, 2019
- ...
Organized Workshops & Conferences:
Local Organizer of the 3rd Berlin-Princeton-Singapore Workshop on Quantitative Finance, April 19–22, 2017
Haus 1, 228
Institute of Mathematics
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Rudower Chaussee 25, 12489, Adlershof, Berlin
email address:
fuguanxing725(*at*); fuguanxi(*at*)