Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben
Praktikumsbeauftragte (Institut für Mathematik)
für Studierende im Bachelormonostudium Mathematik
Lectures (at HU Berlin):
- SoSe 2020: Maßtheorie, Mathematik II (Che & BPh)
- WiSe 2019/20: Stochastik (BA)
- SoSe 2019: Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie II (BA)
- WiSe 2018/19: Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I (BA) & Stochstik (BA)
- SoSe 2018: Mathematik II (Che & BPh), Stochastische Finanzmathematik II
- WiSe 2017/18: Mathematik I (Che & BPh)
- WiSe 2016/17: Mathematik I (Che & BPh)
Tutorials (at HU Berlin):
- SoSe 2020: Maßtheorie, Mathematik II (Che & BPh), Stochastik I
- WiSe 2019/20: Stochastik (BA), Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I (BA), Methoden der Statistik
- SoSe 2019: Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie II (BA)
- WiSe 2018/19: Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I & Stochastik (BA)
- SoSe 2018: Mathematik II (Che & BPh), Stochastische Finanzmathematik II
- WiSe 2017/18: Mathematik I (Che & BPh), Finanzmathematik I (J. Schoenmakers), Analysis I* (Prof. U. Horst)
- WiSe 2016/17: Stochastik (Prof. N. Perkowski) & Mathematik I (Che & BPh)
- SoSe 2016: Berufsbezogenes Fachseminar Stochastik (BA)
- WiSe 2015/16: Stochastik (BA) (Prof. U. Horst)
- SoSe 2015: Stochastik I (C. Bayer)
- WiSe 2014/15: Stochastik (BA) (E. Warmuth)
- SoSe 2014: Analysis II* (Prof. P. Imkeller)
- WiSe 2013/14: Analysis I* (Prof. P. Imkeller)
- SoSe 2013: Stochastik (Prof. U. Horst)
- WiSe 2012/13: Analysis I* (Prof. K. Mohnke)
- SoSe 2012: Analysis II (Prof. J. Sprekels)
- WiSe 2011/12: Stochastik I (B. Gerlach)
Short CV:
- 2011: Diploma in Mathematics from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 2011 - 2017: PhD student at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- since August 2017: Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben (Bereich Stochastik)
- 2020: Teaching Award (Preis für gute Lehre 2019 der Fakultät)
Major Research Interests:
- optimal trading in multiple markets
- principal agent problems
- BSDEs and risk measures
- pathwise stochastic calculus
- Malliavin calculus
- J. Bielagk, Essays on Market Microstructure and Pathwise Directional Derivatives (2017, Thesis)
- Equilibrium pricing under relative performance concerns, SIAM J. Financial Math., 8, 435-482 (2017) with A. Lionnet and G. Dos Reis,
- A Principal-Agent Model of Trading Under Market Impact -Crossing networks interacting with dealer markets- , Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 100, 131-151 (2019) with U. Horst and S. Moreno-Bromberg
Selected Presentations:
- 03/2016: 12th German Probability and Statistics Days, Bochum - contributed talk in Section "Stochastic Analysis"
- 03/2015: Workshop on Stochastic Analysis, Controlled Dynamical Systems and Applications, Jena - poster
- 12/2014: IMA Conference on Game Theory and its Applications, Oxford - contributed talk
Organization of Workshops:
- 10/2012: Workshop on Mathematical Finance for Young Researchers, Berlin (local organizer)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department of Mathematics
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin Office:
Rudower Chausee 25
Room: 1.219
D-12489 Berlin
Department of Mathematics
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin Office:
Rudower Chausee 25
Room: 1.219
D-12489 Berlin
+49 30 2093 45453
email address:
bielagk [at] mathematik.hu-berlin.de