Short CV:
- 09/2012-October 2013, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Post-Doctoral Researcher with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Horst.
- 09/2011-08/2012, Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne, Département de Mathématiques, Evry, France. Post-Doctoral Researcher funded by Institut Europlace de Finance.
- 09/2005-05/2011, Columbia University, New York, USA. Ph.D. in Statistics, 05/2011.
- 09/2001-07/2005, University of Science and Technology of China, Business School, HeFei, China. B.S. in Statistics, 07/2005.
Major Research Interests:
Stochastic analysis, stochastic optimization, stochastic differential equations, and their applications to mathematical finance and economics.
Recent works focusing on some stochastic control problems arising from market microstructure and risk management.
- Fontana C., Z. Garbac, M. Jeanblanc and Q. Li (2012) Asset Price Models with a Change Point. Submitted.
- Karatzas I. and Q. Li (2011) Impulse Control of a Diffusion with a Change Point. Submitted.
- Karatzas I. and Q. Li (2009) BSDE Approach to Non-Zero-Sum Stochastic Differential Games of Control and Stopping. Stochastic Processes, Filtering, Control and Their Applications: A Festschrift in Honour of Robert J. Elliott, World Scientific, 2012.
Selected Presentations:
- Optimal Trading in a Two-Sided Limit Order Book. CMU (10/2013), University College London (04/2013).
- Impulse Control of a Diffusion with a Change Point. AMS Temple meeting (10/2013), 6th Bachelier Colloquium (01/2012), Evry (10/2011), CMU (10/2010), Columbia (09/2010)
- BSDE Approach to Non-Zero-Sum Stochastic Differential Games of Control and Stopping. Cornell (07/2010), Rutgers (04/2010), UM Ann Arbor (04/2010), Columbia (11/2009)